It seems that Rodan has taken umbrage to how he’s been portrayed in Godzilla: King of the Monsters…

I can see your frustration, but I think you will agree that Godzilla: King of the Monsters is a highly enjoyable movie. One in which you play a rather significant role, perhaps even moreso than Mothra…

If you’re referring to the battle between you and Godzilla in Gidorah, the Three Headed Monster, I recall that have actually been an even-sided exchange…

OK, look, I didn’t want to say it but there hasn’t been much of a call for you since Destroy All Monsters, and you were fortunate to play the part you did in Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla II. I love ya, guy, I really do, but the honest truth is that GODZILLA is the franchise, and you’re just not that big of a player anymore.