Behold how his majesty still radiates (heh heh) even in miniature form.
I used to have a bunch of replicas of Godzilla and his fellows, from a myriad of companies. I was particularly proud of my near complete run from the Trendmasters Godzilla King of the Monsters/Godzilla Wares line, and if you think Baragon and Aguirus weren’t hard to find, then your Toys R Us was better stocked than mine. Then came the fateful day I decided to purge myself and sacrificed the lot to eBay for a greater purpose (which was my big Godzilla vs King Ghidorah statue, but more on that in all due time). But these magnificent miniatures here, I… I just couldn’t bare to part with. Behold how they capture the magic and might of Godzilla in all their 3”x3” glory!

GODZILLA putting his foot into the National Diet Building. Since 1954, Godzilla has been raising the bar, and setting the precedent for the mandatory leveling of national landmarks whenever a monster hits the scene. But what about King Kong, you say? King Kong only climbed up monuments, Godzilla made it trendy to knock them down!

GODZILLA breaking from the ice, looking refreshed from his seven-year nap, and humbly apologetic for the SUCK that was Godzilla Raids Again.

GODZILLA busting out of the dirt, cuz you never know where Goji is lurking! The difference between Godzilla and Zilla is that when Godzilla hides underground, it’s because he knows when he springs up the humans will wet themselves and allow him to steal the spotlight back from Mothra and her giant egg, whereas that pretender in Godzilla ’98 hides underground in the subway because he’s nothing but a lil’ punk bi…

GODZILLA just standing around, with a fever. I’ll be honest, Godzilla vs Destroyah isn’t my favorite movie, and nor is this my favorite of the molds. Godzilla is just… there. I guess we should be feeling his rage, but meh. Still, I’ll never part with it. I’ll never part with any of them!
Who made these? What’s the line’s official name? Where did I get them? The answer to all three is lost upon the winds of time. I’m pretty sure it was around 2000 from a long defunct website that sold imported Godzilla wares. Or perhaps eBay. The later lacks any exotic appeal, so let’s just assume it was the former if for nothing else than the sake of the warm recollections of the early days of online ordering that notion conjures.